We're expecting Twins!

 BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Hello Little One,

We are so excited you're on your way!
Daddy is finally getting the idea that
there will be another Lamb in the house
in just 9 months! About a week ago
January 13, 2011, my body was feeling
different and I knew we'd been trying to
make a baby so maybe just maybe my hopes
had come true. So I bought a home pregnancy
test to find out!

Daddy was home for the day and we
were both doing projects around the
house. He was working on orders, I was
cleaning for a Tupperware Party. I took
the test and it was POSITIVE!
I was SO excited and showed your daddy
right away! He stared at it a bit stunned
then said, "OK." You're dad is a man of few
words and hardly ever speaks his mind,
unless I bug him ALOT.

He and I talked about our next few steps.
Getting a Doctors Appointment (just to be
sure the home test was true), who and when
to tell every one you're on your way, if
you would be a boy or a girl, and other
silly stuff.

You're grandpa is currently a contractor
working in Iraq and came home for a 2 week
stay, so we took him and grandma out to
breakfast and to the new Walmart (Sierra
Vista isn't very big.) As we went to pay
Grandpa and Grandma wondered off so I had
to sneak back into the store to get vitamins
and your Daddy insisted I get a digital home
pregnancy test. He wasn't sure the first 2
were right! I took the Digit tests and both
of course came back POSITIVE!
Your daddy was just having trouble taking in
the news. We'll be telling your Grandma, Grandpa
and Uncle Joe next week once we are ALL together.

I made my appointment for this week Jan 20,
2011 and your daddy joined me to hear the
results himself. I didn't take your dad to
the room with me because I had expected an
exam, that's been postponed to February 1st.
So I took the pregnancy test yet again for
the Doctor and it came back POSITIVE!
I had to ask the Doctor to pretty please
tell your Daddy in person, that yes I
am in fact pregnant.

The Doctor (Elisabeth Smith M.S.N., A.N.P.)
brought your Daddy to the room and told him
that the test was POSITIVE
and that we'll be having a baby, yay!
We spent the day doing a few errands,
including going to Hastings to pick up a
few Baby books, we even found one for daddy!
"What to expect when your wife is expanding!"
Daddy is happy and kinda in shock but he's
getting over it pretty well, he even bought
a few safety devices today for cabinets and such.

Now don't think that because your Daddy was
acting funny about all this means he doesn't
want you. We both want you very much. It's
been a long journey for us to get to this
step in our lives and geeze is it a BIG step!
I'll be telling you more about that soon,
but for now I'm just excited to say that you
are wanted and loved already and we can't
wait to see you in September.

Love always,

How I'm feeling:
My breasts are swollen and sore, and seem
to have gotten bigger in just a matter of
weeks. I have times through out the day I
get very sleepy. I tend to burp alot
throughout the day, something I hope will
continue if it means I get to avoid Morning
Sickness. I've had bouts of nausea, but so
far no vomiting. My legs feel weak at times,
but it's not to bad. My tummy has alot of
bubbles to which I was told today by Daddy
that I couldn't eat breaded chicken because
it causes gas. He's no fun, but I got what
I wanted anyway, and paid for it. I'm not
eating as much as I normally do, but most
of what I'm eating if healthier, minus the
chicken. I'm excited, and yet worried that
there may be complications. I just want
you to be a happy healthy Baby.

How old are you:
As of today we are predicting you to
be 5 weeks, 2 days. You're expected
due date is September 22, 2011.

Next Appointment:
February 1, 2011, 9:15AM.

First hour is for family history
paper work, second is an exam with
our Doctor Peter Van Oosten, M.D..

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