We're expecting Twins!

 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, August 8, 2011

The countdown...

We are currently at 34 weeks and 5 days!
The excitement is getting
crazier and so is the stressing!

Stress? Why yes, of course!
Just think 2 little baby girls,
what if they are as active as their
Nana and Daddy, or as stubborn as all
of us, or throw tantrums like Mommy.
How do you keep up?
This honestly doesn't stress
me out as much as D-Day!

Justin is currently in North Dakota
for the next two weeks for training
for a detail position.
This is fantastic, he'll be
working in our little town, so
no more 2 hours of commuting
each day for the next 3 years!
However the timing for the training
is less than ideal being so close to
the babies making their grand entrance.
Justin says if they come out before
he gets home they are grounded for
the 18 years or 21 years in some states.
Hahaha,he's funny.

Today was 2 appointments.
The first with obsetrix and we got
to see the babies on the ultrasound
and were told how their growth was.
Baby A is 4lbs 12oz.
Baby B is 4lbs 10oz.
Both are about a week behind in
growth, though it's not a concern.
Baby A let her face be seen
today so we got photos of her.
Baby B was being Shy, so no photos.

The second appointment with Dr K.
I gained 5 pounds which Dr K
said is due to water retention,
so it's not a big concern.
Everything looks good from his
findings and he says it looks
promising that I'll make it to
38 weeks, which is our goal to make
sure the babies have developed enough.

This is good that means if these little
princesses make it to 38 weeks, they won't
need to be grounded for 18 years ;0).

Every thing is going well,
getting the last minute things
done, though it takes me forever!
Making room very slowly in the
master bedroom for bassinets.
Purchasing when I can the the last
was the items we need right away.
Finishing organizing as much
as I can to make life easier
once they are here.

As for physically, I ok.
I am uncomfortable most of
the time, but it's not too bad.
Laying down to sleep takes
me a while to get comfortable.
Often because of the pelvic
pain I fall asleep crying.
Getting out of the bed or off
the couch is a major chore.
Walking for too long is hard on
my back, but it hasn't made
me stop shopping, haha.
My legs & feet swell horribly now.
And the weather being so humid and
hot sure doesn't help any of it.

BUT all of this is worth it!
I'm getting 2 babies in the
end and that makes me happy!

We took photos on Saturday
and I love how they came out!
As you can see he's WAY taller than me!
I'm 4'10", he's 6'1".
And the belly is HUGE!

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