We're expecting Twins!

 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, August 15, 2011

Making Room pt 3

After sorting and folding and
removing all the hangers from
the clothing, mom began the
process of re-organizing the boxes
at the top of the nursery closet.
5 boxes in total going across with
sizes 6 months-12 months ALL filled
and one larger box for other sizes
that needs a home in the garage.

I helped but she did most of the
work, as I rested or did other
little things around the house.
I Love my MOM!

Making sure that the nursery is
as organized as I can get it to
start has been a priority, I'd
like for it to stay that way
though it's going to need a lot
of TLC once the babies get here.
Target & Ikea have been the best
with furniture coming from
both and helping to make the room
as efficient as possible.

We also were very blessed with gifts
for the babies that have helped us
succeed in what's been done so far,
like the beautiful rocking chair and
ottoman from the neighbors across the
street and the bassinet from a friend
that will eventually find it's way to
our master bedroom.

Babies need quite a bit and these
two babies need double and have
been blessed with at least triple
of a normal single baby's items.
I want to make sure it's
documented that the room started
off mostly organized :0).
Much more has been added to the
room since the last photos so
don't be afraid.
The changing table is loaded with
preemie and newborn diapers and on the
bottom drawer all the onsies and pants.

Our rocking chair is made for
short people like me! I love it.

I hadn't made anything for the room yet
and new that a tissue box was very
important since I have major allergies.
So this past week I decorated a wooden
$1 tissue box to be kept in the nursery.

OMG the clothes!
So many and times two in many cases.
I had Justin add an extra bar in the
center so that all the clothes could
stay on one side of the closet.

The other side of the closet is
all storage, for diapers and in
the cabinet their blankets.
Yes it looks messy but it works.

The corner shelves old all the
twins bibs, burp cloths, receiving
blankets, teethers and more.

These collapsible boxes from Ikea
are amazing and have helped making
organizing easy peezy!
Justin even found these awesome
plastic labels at Ikea, just
write or make up your labels
on the computer and tada!
We need more of those.

I LOVE to read and want the babies
to have the same passion for books
that I do so I've gone crazy with
buying books, and Grandma Lamb
has helped too!

With this shelf we wanted the bottom
to be more storage for swaddles and
blankets and our mommy and daddy items.
The top has all their pretty items like
a wooden dish & perfume bottles from
Iraq where Papa Joe is.

The view from the door.
The Diaper Bag is sitting on a
three bag laundry basket from Target.
You simply unhook the bag and can
take your items to the laundry room.
Oh how i hope this makes it easier for us.

The view from the Rocker.
Justin would like to eventually put
shelves all the way around the room
at the same height as the top of
the book cases.

So that's where we are at so far
in making room for the babies.
The last of it is in our own room
to make room for two bassinets.
I'm slowly working on that.

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