We're expecting Twins!

 BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Online Friend...

Our family and friends have been
wonderful with helping us getting
ready for our little Lambs and this
past week a wonderful and special
lady I know only through online
scrapbooking has blessed us again.

Cindy and her fraternal Twin own
and operate a gift basket website
with fabulous gifts for new babies.
She generously sent a box of goodies
for the babies and their daddy.
When she said she'd send us a box
I never expected a big box,
extra loaded with goodies.

Inside were 2 gift baskets with
blankets, burp cloths, bibs,
hats, and Bunny, along with 2
adorable Elmo mini blankets,
2 pairs of cute pink shoes, and
to top it of a Daddy Diaper Bag.

Thank you Cindy we appreciate
the wonderful gifts and can't
wait to see the babies model
the shoes and Justin use the
Daddy Diaper Bag.

Please check out their websites
Baby Basket Co and
Brown Eyed Baby Boutique.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Making Room pt 3

After sorting and folding and
removing all the hangers from
the clothing, mom began the
process of re-organizing the boxes
at the top of the nursery closet.
5 boxes in total going across with
sizes 6 months-12 months ALL filled
and one larger box for other sizes
that needs a home in the garage.

I helped but she did most of the
work, as I rested or did other
little things around the house.
I Love my MOM!

Making sure that the nursery is
as organized as I can get it to
start has been a priority, I'd
like for it to stay that way
though it's going to need a lot
of TLC once the babies get here.
Target & Ikea have been the best
with furniture coming from
both and helping to make the room
as efficient as possible.

We also were very blessed with gifts
for the babies that have helped us
succeed in what's been done so far,
like the beautiful rocking chair and
ottoman from the neighbors across the
street and the bassinet from a friend
that will eventually find it's way to
our master bedroom.

Babies need quite a bit and these
two babies need double and have
been blessed with at least triple
of a normal single baby's items.
I want to make sure it's
documented that the room started
off mostly organized :0).
Much more has been added to the
room since the last photos so
don't be afraid.
The changing table is loaded with
preemie and newborn diapers and on the
bottom drawer all the onsies and pants.

Our rocking chair is made for
short people like me! I love it.

I hadn't made anything for the room yet
and new that a tissue box was very
important since I have major allergies.
So this past week I decorated a wooden
$1 tissue box to be kept in the nursery.

OMG the clothes!
So many and times two in many cases.
I had Justin add an extra bar in the
center so that all the clothes could
stay on one side of the closet.

The other side of the closet is
all storage, for diapers and in
the cabinet their blankets.
Yes it looks messy but it works.

The corner shelves old all the
twins bibs, burp cloths, receiving
blankets, teethers and more.

These collapsible boxes from Ikea
are amazing and have helped making
organizing easy peezy!
Justin even found these awesome
plastic labels at Ikea, just
write or make up your labels
on the computer and tada!
We need more of those.

I LOVE to read and want the babies
to have the same passion for books
that I do so I've gone crazy with
buying books, and Grandma Lamb
has helped too!

With this shelf we wanted the bottom
to be more storage for swaddles and
blankets and our mommy and daddy items.
The top has all their pretty items like
a wooden dish & perfume bottles from
Iraq where Papa Joe is.

The view from the door.
The Diaper Bag is sitting on a
three bag laundry basket from Target.
You simply unhook the bag and can
take your items to the laundry room.
Oh how i hope this makes it easier for us.

The view from the Rocker.
Justin would like to eventually put
shelves all the way around the room
at the same height as the top of
the book cases.

So that's where we are at so far
in making room for the babies.
The last of it is in our own room
to make room for two bassinets.
I'm slowly working on that.

Making Room pt 2

Though our main goal last
week was to finish the
bathroom we became side tracked.
Simple for us.

Our second goal was to finish
shopping for what we needed,
like supplies for the breast
pump, a second bassinet &
sheets, more diapers and baby
grooming & medications.

We planned a trip to Babies R Us
and took with us Honorary Grandma Kay.
The plan was finish up or
list and go out to lunch.
We were doing well, I started off the
adventure in a wheel chair, I knew our
day was going to be long and I wanted
desperately to to last all day.
We focused and finished up the list
within in hour and at that point I got
out of the wheel chair and figured I
would walk it was just browsing now.

That was until we got to the clothing.
Then both Nana and HG were lost to me.
Both looking for bargains and matching
clothes on the clearance racks.
I found a few items like 2 half off itsy
bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikinis,
that Justin had been hoping to find.
There's a photo of me in a blue bikini
when I was about 1 year old so he figures
the babies need the same type of photo.
I'm all for it!

Once I was done looking I was ready
to get back into the wheel chair.
My mom saw that and helped me in,
then helped me to move off to the side.
I only saw mom and Kay if they
wanted to show me something or
put something in the cart.
It was starting to pile up higher
and higher with beautiful clothes.

Mom and I are bargain hunters,
we try to never pay full price.
The twins clothes so far have
been sale, clearance or Ross
& Marshall's finds.
Alot of what you see at Babies R Us,
even on clearance, at times, are even
less at Marshall's and Ross, name brands
like Carters and Puma outfits normally
$20-$25 each only $7-$12.
Big Savings!

After a long scavenger hunt both
ladies came back to where they left
we to say they looked through
everything and found what they could.
All of us were more than ready
for lunch and after a couple
seconds realized why.
We began our shopping adventure about
11:30AM and it was already 3:00PM.
Time went by fast.

We checked out leaving with major
saving and tons of clothes for the
twins, larger sizes of course!
We then enjoyed a nice big lunch at BJ's.
Mom who was driving was getting very
tired and how do you perk her up?
Easy ask if she'd like to stop at
the Casino before heading home.

Oh she was definitely perked up!
30 minutes at the casino does
wonders for mom and she even
wanted to stop at the truck
stop for dessert.
That was a MASSIVE dessert.
Kay and I each got a deep dish
cheery pie with soft serve ice cream.
Momma got the Brownie Bomber!
Those desserts were
Delicious, but HUGE.

I know this post is called Making Room
pt 2, and doesn't mention organizing,
but it is part of the process :)!
Because of all the new clothes we need
to re-organize the boxes on the top of
the nursery closet to make room.
The babies are set for clothes until 12months.
Yes there with be outfits bought here
and there for special occasions but for
the most part these baby girls will be
styling no matter what the day is.

I'm happy & appreciate that my mom
has spoiled the twins and us so much.
It'll make life alittle easier
knowing we're starting off so well.

Making Room pt 1

I knew making room for a baby
was hard work, but making room
for two has been nuts.
Thankfully with help from my
amazing Mom and loving Husband
it has been made it easier!

Last week when my mom asked
what I needed to do or would
like to do, I don't think she
expected such a huge task.
My goal was to find a way to put
all the babies' bath items in
the bathroom where they belong.
As we put everything into
the bathroom on the counter
we both became over whelmed.
How in the world are all those
baby towels, emergency kits,
grooming kits, lotion and body
wash bottles going to fit, in this
tiny room with what was already there.

My mom is amazing, her suggestion
an over the toilet cabinet.
Yes not rocket science, but I never
look that way so I'd never thought of
that, so to me it's a genius idea.
And it worked!
We began our journey of this master
plan early last week, but last night
it was all (sort of) put together.
The twins bath items are now put
away, though I need to re-organize
the linen closet to make room for
a few rarely used towels.

Our lovely New Cabinet filled with
lotions, powders, body washes and more.

I honestly didn't think the
normal bath towels and the babies'
towels would fit but they do!
Thank goodness!
Larger towels in the bottom cabinet.
Small wash cloths in a drawer.
Pencil boxes will with their tooth
brushes, travel bottles, medical
pacifiers and more also in a drawer.

Though the space is small we're
making it work and I'm so excited
that it's all coming together.

Extra special thank you to my mom &
nana-to-be, for purchasing, assembling
and installing this beautiful new cabinet.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The countdown...

We are currently at 34 weeks and 5 days!
The excitement is getting
crazier and so is the stressing!

Stress? Why yes, of course!
Just think 2 little baby girls,
what if they are as active as their
Nana and Daddy, or as stubborn as all
of us, or throw tantrums like Mommy.
How do you keep up?
This honestly doesn't stress
me out as much as D-Day!

Justin is currently in North Dakota
for the next two weeks for training
for a detail position.
This is fantastic, he'll be
working in our little town, so
no more 2 hours of commuting
each day for the next 3 years!
However the timing for the training
is less than ideal being so close to
the babies making their grand entrance.
Justin says if they come out before
he gets home they are grounded for
the 18 years or 21 years in some states.
Hahaha,he's funny.

Today was 2 appointments.
The first with obsetrix and we got
to see the babies on the ultrasound
and were told how their growth was.
Baby A is 4lbs 12oz.
Baby B is 4lbs 10oz.
Both are about a week behind in
growth, though it's not a concern.
Baby A let her face be seen
today so we got photos of her.
Baby B was being Shy, so no photos.

The second appointment with Dr K.
I gained 5 pounds which Dr K
said is due to water retention,
so it's not a big concern.
Everything looks good from his
findings and he says it looks
promising that I'll make it to
38 weeks, which is our goal to make
sure the babies have developed enough.

This is good that means if these little
princesses make it to 38 weeks, they won't
need to be grounded for 18 years ;0).

Every thing is going well,
getting the last minute things
done, though it takes me forever!
Making room very slowly in the
master bedroom for bassinets.
Purchasing when I can the the last
was the items we need right away.
Finishing organizing as much
as I can to make life easier
once they are here.

As for physically, I ok.
I am uncomfortable most of
the time, but it's not too bad.
Laying down to sleep takes
me a while to get comfortable.
Often because of the pelvic
pain I fall asleep crying.
Getting out of the bed or off
the couch is a major chore.
Walking for too long is hard on
my back, but it hasn't made
me stop shopping, haha.
My legs & feet swell horribly now.
And the weather being so humid and
hot sure doesn't help any of it.

BUT all of this is worth it!
I'm getting 2 babies in the
end and that makes me happy!

We took photos on Saturday
and I love how they came out!
As you can see he's WAY taller than me!
I'm 4'10", he's 6'1".
And the belly is HUGE!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Such an excited Daddy!

Justin has been amazing, yes he
says he's diappointed he's having
girls first, but he's determine
we'll have baby #3 and it'll be
a boy so it's not so bad.

He wants all the coolest and
best gadgets for his babies.
A good example is I researched
a bath tub for the counter and
found one that has some of the
best reviews but is just a bath
tub with the hamock.
We bought it and later
on went to Babies R Us.

Mom and I are in one aisle and
he's a couple down from us.
I see him rush past with a huge box.
Finally we see what he's up to.
He's found a Spa Bath Tub for
his babies and it's on SALE.
It's WAY better than the one I
picked, it has a shower portion
and everything.
Now I did ask to get a green one
instead of a pink one, it matches
the bathroom better, haha.
It's about $15 more than the one
I picked not on sale and only a
few dollars more on sale so he
puts it in the cart.
We took back the one
I picked, of course.

Am I upset, heck no.
Excited he's interesting in
getting stuff for the babies
and better stuff even.

He is fun to watch.
I think that night he was the
only one to put stuff in cart,
from extra nice bibs, to dish
soap that's all natural and
of course a few more gadgets.
He's going to be such a cool daddy.
The babies and I are very lucky.

33 Weeks!

I can't believe we're already on week 33.
The belly gets bigger every week and
now so do the numbers on the scale.
Gain another 3 lbs since last week.

We went in for weekly apt Monday.
Babies seem to be doing well.
My cervix has thinned out about 50%.
Right now the dr just wants to
take it week by week and see
how the babies are doing.
We set up the next Obstetrics Apt
for Aug 8 to check their growth.
We asked the Dr about the ultrasounds
last week to make sure we shouldn't be
concerned and he said nope,
it's fairly normal.
The babies still have enough room
to move so it's normal for them
to move around quite a bit.

Tuesday was another NST, the babies
did pretty well except they had to
tilt me to the opposite side after
a while and Baby B had a decel in
heart rate for just a minute or two.
I told mom it's because
Baby A was squishing her.

We thought we'd get out early,
but nope had to stay for
another ultrasound, darn.
I had a rough day.
Laying down is very hard for me
already because I can't breath
right and the babies are
putting pressure on EVERYTHING.
I had a hard time during the
ultrasound getting myself to calm down.
I was getting dizzy and nauseated.
This is normal for a pregnant
woman laying flat on her back.
So there is no cause for alarm.
The Tech had to wait on me
to get comfortable, and
once I did I even dozed off.
I felt bad for the Tech I
was being such a pain.

Baby A wasn't being
cooperative either.
He was scanning her movement
and no matter how much he
poked her she wouldn't budge.
He finally had to go to
Baby B to check her out.
Once he went back to Baby A
she was moving around again.
Lazy and stubborn little girl.

Everything check out.
Thank goodness the care
we receive is so good.
Another NST tomorrow, cross
your fingers it won't be as
long, my body can't take it.

Before I forget!
This week's belly shot!

Friday, July 22, 2011

NSTs and naughty babies...

Tuesday our little Twinkies
(nicknamed so by our main nurse)
were being naughty and moving
when they shouldn't and not
moving when they should.
The nurse was going crazy
changing the position of
the monitors constantly.
Actually there were three
nurses taking care of us.
Baby B was being extra naughty and
the nurses had to call the Dr to
see if they need to do extra testing.

An ultrasound was needed to
make sure the babies were okay.
Everything checked out and the babies
are doing fine just miss behaving.
We spent 2 1/2 hours at the hospital
for a normal 30-45 minute test.
Poor mom we told her we'd go
eat after the test, so she had
to wait just as long as us.

But Tuesday's was not as long as today's.
Mom and I did however eat before, haha.
Today it took a while to get signed in.
We did get taken care of right away
though once back in Maternal Child.
A different nurse took care of me at first.
The babies were steady on
the monitors for the most part.

Baby A took her turn today to be naughty.
As the nurse explained the heart rate
stays at steady rate however little miss
diva dropped just alittle from her average
for the day and this concerned the nurses.
They left the monitors on me for over
an hour to make sure she was steady
and decided to ask the Dr if maybe
it could be a higher concern.
The Dr requested another ultrasound
to just verify the Twinkies were ok.
I admit the length of time very very
long to wait, but when your Dr is making
sure you and your baby(ies) are okay and
not risking it, it's worth the wait.

It's sad when all the admin and nurse
and now the ultrasound tech recognize me.
We had a wait for the ultrasound
tech who was extra busy today.
But lucky us got to peek at
the babies on the screen.
Baby A is now head down with h
er spine coming up my left side.
Baby B is laying almost sideways in
my belly, with her head down to my
right side and her legs on the top
of my belly.
They changed positions
since last week on Monday!

I'm figuring they did most of
that yesterday when they spent
the day busy busy!
As the tech pressed on the top of
my tummy he showed us where
Baby B's legs were.
He would push down and the little
legs went down on the screen.
It was so amazing to see.
Of course both babies are okay,
just being naughty.

Mom or "NANA" should I say, was just
excited to get to see her Little Cupcakes.
I'm very lucky the nurses, tech and Dr
have been so great in taking care of
me and the Twinkies.
I'm even luckier my mom held
out though the whole thing.
That's a LONG time for her to sit still.
Hmmm... wonder why the babies are so naughty.

In total the test today
was over 3 1/2 hours long.
I was so happy to stand up
after laying down for so long.
We'll be there again next Tuesday
and lets just cross our fingers
that it will be short and sweet.

Belly Shot Week 32!

Monday, July 18, 2011

5 lbs!

Today we went for our weekly
check up with Dr Kacenga.
The nurse took my weight
and guess what I gained 5lbs!
That's a total of 15lbs gained
since I first went in in February.
Normal Pregnancies weight gain is
up to 40lbs while multiples is 60lbs.
Though I'm at 32 weeks my
weight gain isn't a concern
as long as the babies are ok.
I did start off overweight so the
lack of weight gain isn't an issue.

The Dr checked my cervix to make sure
there's no danger of dilating early.
So far we're ok.
Dr Kacenga makes the appointments
interesting with little stories
and jokes, it help ease the mood.
He's a silly guy and very smart.
Justin and I appreciate his honesty
and the way he explains things.
We sometimes see Dr Silvia and though
he's a great Dr he is not as personable.

Right not the Doctor sill hopes
we can make it to 38 weeks.
We hope so too!
Justin was recently selected for a
detail here in Sierra Vista and
the detail will last 3 years.
This is both exciting and helpful.
Right now he commutes 2 hours
a day and gas is pricey!
What we'll be saving in gas
though we'll be using for diapers.
But the idea of him being
in town is so nice.

There is one little bitty draw
back to this new position.
Justin will be in North Dakota for 2
weeks for training, from August 7th-20th.
The concern is what if the
babies don't wait and decide
to come at 36 weeks or earlier.
36 weeks currently puts us at the 17th.
38 weeks puts us at August 31st.
All I hope is they wait until after
the 22nd to make their grand entrance!

The Appointments are now once
a week and we're doing
non-stress tests twice a week.
All is going well so far.

Sugar Cookies!

Erin and I met through an
online scrapbooking site.
Though we've never met in
person, we still are very close.
From online chats, phone calls and
sending each other boxes of goodies
we've gotten to know each other.
Erin is a very special
person and so talented.
I'm so lucky to have met her.

This past week she slaved in the
kitchen making us beautiful sugar
cookies with the baby shower
theme Two Peas in a Pod.
And she shipped the cookies all
the way from Kansas to Arizona
to be eaten at the shower!

When she text me the photo of the
cookies I was so excited I had to
share it right away with Mom and Justin.
I never expected anything like this from anyone.
It's such a special gift and so personalized.

We received the box Thursday evening
and right away Justin and I had to
inspect the cookie, haha.
The cookies look so professional
and the packing was perfect, only
one cookie cracked in transit.
Justin and I of course took advantage
of this broken cookie and ate it all up!
It was delish!

Erin is so sweet she even sent the babies
some outfits that are completely adorable!

The cookies were a huge hit at the Baby
Shower and our story of friendship was too.

Thank you Erin! You're amazing!

Baby Shower

Mom is wonderful!
She did such an amazing job putting
the baby shower together and hosting it.
It was so relaxing for me and
extra fun for all the ladies.

She did quite a few games like:
Poopy Diaper Game - you melt chocolate
candies into diapers and the guest have
to figure out the candy like snickers, ect.
How Big is Mommy's Belly- Some
of the girls got extra close!
What was Mommy wearing -
Mommy has to step out of the room.
What's in your purse?
What does Mommy hope her baby looks like
Features she hopes the baby will
get from her self or from Daddy.
Justin and I had a big discussion
about this one the other day.

How many diapers in the Diaper Cakes!

There were quite a few
games and so many Prizes!
Even Justin & his dad got to play along!

Mom dressed me all up with a beautiful
corsage she made with two babies in a
pod, a crown "Mommy to Be" and a sash
also with "Mommy to Be".
I was able to make corsages for the family,
Great Grandma Lamb, Nana - My Mom,
Grandma - Lori, Honorary Grandma - Kay,
and Aunt Chloe.
Nana & Grandma even got special
necklaces with their new names.

Dinner was amazing.
Mom had the Baby shower catered
by My Big Fat Greek Restaurant.
We had Gyros, Meatballs,
Zucchini Cakes and fresh salad.
It was so yummy and we had left
overs we're still trying to finish.

Mom ordered beautiful cakes.
One half sheet Cake that I think
we finished eating at the shower.
It had the cutest little
babies sitting in flowers.
The cake was vanilla with tres
leche filling and whipped topping.
The second cake was
actually a cupcake cake.
The cupcakes were adorable with
little pink flowers and grass and
in a pot there were 5 hovering cupcakes.
Those were vanilla with whipped topping.
We got to bring those home to enjoy!

Our guest were amazing.
Ladies who Mom and I have known
for years were able to join us.
Justin's family, our Scrapbooking
Friends, a girl I've known since
8th grade, Ladies we've known
through working and three extra
special young ladies.
These three girls - Nikki, Samantha
& Makayla are Zona's daughters.
Zona is part of the pair that introduced
Justin and I 8 years ago this month.
Though Zona is no longer with us,
she and her girls mean the world to us.
We are so blessed to have so many friends
and family join us even across the miles
though not all in person but in thought.

Our little babies and us are so loved and
blessed we've received the most amazing gifts.
I'd list them all but there's SO Many!
Lets just say we'll be sitting, rocking,
swinging, and bouncing in style with their
beautiful clothes and extra cool accessories.
Thank you to everyone, everything
will be used and loved and cherished.
Justin and I truly appreciate everything.
And thank you for taking time
out to join us for this event.

Mom thank you for making the shower
such a wonderful evening with a great
venue, amazing food and fun.
You and Dad have done so much for us
I don't know how we could thank you enough.
We know our little ones will be very spoiled!

More photos to come!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Chocolate means movement...

Normally I don't eat Justin's
cereal, it's too much sugar.
But the other day I bought
him a box of Chocolate Mini
Wheats with Chocolate Chips
and this morning I woke up
wanting to try them!

Wow they are yummy, but
LOADED with sugar.
Within 30 minutes my little
cupcakes were moving and
kicking and playing.
It was too cool, but
naughty all the same.
We had our NSTs this afternoon
and they were still on a sugar rush.
Normally Baby A gives the nurse a
hard time staying the on monitor
but today Baby B was being silly.

Mom got to go with me for the
first time to see how things worked.
They had us cracking up, the
nurse was in there every 10
minutes or so double checking
that both babies were being monitored.
Their kicks were nice and strong
and as they moved, mainly Baby B,
we could hear the Whooshing sound
coming from the monitor.
The last 10 minutes were the craziest.
Just 10 minutes longer the nurse
told us and Baby B was done, she
wanted to move and play and she
wanted the monitor off!
As much as I said shhh,
behave it so didn't work, but
it was so worth the giggle.

The babies heart beats
are so close together.
Both towards the
top of my tummy.
The nurse says she's never
seen that before nor has
she had so much trouble keeping
babies stable on the monitor.

So a leason learned, no sugar
cereals for them anymore.
Unless I need a really
good giggle here at home.

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11, 2011 Ultrasound

We had the growth ultrasound
today and it went great!
The Techs have had trouble
getting the babies to move
in possitions where they can
see the babies hearts and
faces and today both babies
let the Tech and us peek!

Look at these babies!
Baby A - 3lbs 6oz


Baby B - 3lbs 4oz


Baby A is breach and
Baby B is head down.
Baby B had Baby A in a head
lock with her little feet.
Aww fighting already :)!

All looks good and
we go back in 4 weeks.

Justin thought I was crazy
today I was so excited!
It's the firt time we get
to see thier little faces
and I'm just in awww.
I'm so happy.

I'm going to have to have
Justin write up one of
the blog enteries soon!
I know he's excited too.